Paris Doggie Ware is a contact less business with all orders online via our website www.parisdoggieware.co.nz, or Social Media.    All monies are direct credited into our nominated bank account/or through the Paris Doggie Ware website.  All products are sent out by NZ Post.

1. All of the stock for Paris Doggie Ware is kept in a separate room.

2. Access is limited to only one person.

3.  Good hygiene practices to be adhered to at all times. This includes hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and correct drying process with a disposal paper towel.   

4.  The wearing of gloves while receiving stock or dispatching goods.

5.  Table used for packing and receiving goods to be sprayed with sanitiser before and after the table is used.          .

6.  New Stock arriving from my supplier from the USA, on arrival, will be sprayed with sanitiser and left out side in a covered area for 24 hours,  Unpacking will be don on a sanitiesed table.       

7.  Return items will be sprayed with sanitiser and left out side in an covered area for 24 hours.  Product items will then be sprayed  with sanitizer and left to dry in covered area for 24 hours before being returned to stock.  

8.  If, the Ministry of Business and Innovation, or the Ministry of Health request, your  name, address, email address, and cell phone number (if provided) will be given to them as per on your order details that have been supplied.  This is forms part of my trace ability to enable Paris Doggie Ware to trade and to help prevent the spread of Covid-19.